For the Maya the number 7 means organization or order. Putting our world in order begins with putting ourselves in order. It is an important first step to finding balance and living in harmony. Miguel Angel is offering 2 courses each with 7 one-hour private sessions to bring you back into balance; “Healing Your 7 Bodies of Energy” and “Cleansing Your 7 Chakras”.

The Maya understood our Spirit came from the Heart of the Sun as a drop of light and when we were conceived in the womb of our Mother it guided the process through the nine months until we developed a physical body containing six more levels of energy.

These are not the Chakras. They are vibrational bodies that affect every cell in our body. They are seven sources of energy hidden within us that, when not in balance, can cause serious repercussions in our life.

Physical, Etheric, Emotional, Mental, Will, Consciousness, Spiritual 

As we raise our consciousness we see the need to heal all 7 Bodies of Energy. Often when we resolve our issues on one level we find we are still stuck because they continue to exist on another level, holding us back from being all we can be.

In this 7-part online series Miguel Angel Vergara takes you through each Body of Energy sharing a healing meditation you can continue to use whenever it is needed to fine tune the vibrations of each of the 7 Bodies of Energy

  • Price: 7 one-hour private sessions regular price $150usd per session. Total $1,050.00
  • ***Special reduced price if registered by January 1, 2021: $100usd per session. Total $700.00


Over the years I’ve been fortunate to have worked with many extremely talented healers and to have experienced a variety of healing modalities -- Western and Eastern, traditional and non-traditional. Of all the healing and energy work I’ve done, the Maya 7 Bodies of Energy is by far the most profound.

The Maya’s concept and practice of healing all of our seven energy bodies is quite remarkable and goes far beyond any healing modalities I have ever encountered. Healing all of our seven energy bodies provides a path for us to experience compete healing and total integration unlike anything else I have ever experienced.

Miguel Angel Vergara is a Master at leading us through this process of discovery, healing, and transformation. Through his expert guidance, I was able to finally, and permanently, resolve old issues and past wounds that had remained hidden and embedded in energy bodies of mine that I had not been aware of and had not previously known how to work with.

Through the Maya 7 Bodies of Energy work, Miguel Angel beings us the extraordinary gift of an amazing spiritual legacy that enables us to experience deep and lasting healing, harmony, and balance.

John Kralovec