The ancient Maya understood that Mother Earth was a living being and was honored, respected and given thanks every day in their thoughts and actions.  


As our consciousness expands so does the need to expand our understanding of the Sacred Feminine force. This force is represented by the MOTHER and now, at a time they are needed most, we are slowly becoming aware of many of her hidden gifts. The Maya identified 5 Aspects of the Mother that cover her influence from the Heart of the Sky to the Heart of the Earth. In the month of May, Miguel Angel’s online sessions will guide us to a much deeper connection with the Mother.

IX’KAN-LEOX: Our Cosmic Mother - May 5

Thursday, May 5, 2020

IX’KAN-LEOX is a very powerful aspect of the Mother and one we don’t hear much about. She is the Cosmic Mother representing the Sacred Feminine Principle in the Cosmos. She is ready to help us awake to our spiritual gifts and access to a higher level of Consciousness. She is the path connecting us with the Heart of the Sky and Heart of Earth. Join Miguel Angel for a teaching followed by a meditation to connect with this powerful force. 

$27.50 USD

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IX’AZAL-UOH: Our Divine Inner Mother - May 7

Thursday, May 7, 2020

IX’AZAL-UOH is an aspect of the Mother with healing energies designed to heal your emotions and bring balance, harmony, clarity and wisdom to your life. She is our Inner Mother who weaves our destiny, day in and day out. By simply changing the color of the threads in our weaving she is able to heal past issues while helping us find solutions to current problems and guiding us into a brighter future. Join Miguel Angel as he connects us with this very powerful aspect of the Mother. 

$27.50 USD

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IX’CHEEL: Our Mother Nature - May 12

Thursday, May 12, 2020

IX’CHEEL is the 3rd aspect of the Mother and one we have been working with for years. As our consciousness rises it is time to renew our relationship with her on a deeper level. IX’CHEEL steps on the Earth strongly because she is the Earth’s Energy. She holds the strength and force of life in Nature and is the Mother of Medicine ruling the elementals or spirits of the plants, herbs, flowers, and animals making healing possible in any person. Join Miguel Angel as he guides you to a new understanding of this important and powerful aspect of the Mother.

$27.50 USD

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IX’ZUHUY-KAAK: Our Mother of Sacred Fire - May 14

Thursday, May 14, 2020

IX’ZUHUY-KAAK has the Power of Fire to rise your frequency and vibration to the level of Love, Light, Joy and Harmony.  She can guide your inner fire so you can perceive the inner dimensions through your spirit.  IX’ZYHUY-KAAK is the aspect of the Mother that ignites your heart with the Sacred Fire allowing you to ignite the heart of others. She belonged to the Sacred Order of Priestesses in Uxmal who kept the Sacred Fire protected and safe. Join Miguel Angel as he connects with this powerful 4th aspect of the Mother.

$27.50 USD

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IX’MUKANE: Heart of the Earth - May 19

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

IX’MUKANE  is the force of the inner heart of our Planet, making the transmutation of all the great energies in the of the life underground so they can surface as flowers, fruits, trees, mountains, caves and beautiful crystals. She is very powerful and able to transform any out of balance energies. It is time to look deeply into her roots, her heart, and ask her for the help you need. Join Miguel Angel for a fresh look at IX’MUKANE, the 5th aspect of the Mother, and how working with her healing energies can change your life. 

$27.50 USD

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Thursday, May 21, 2020

Join Miguel Angel as he leads a meditation weaving all the aspects of the Mother together presenting us with a powerful source of healing energy very much needed at this time. 

Free for those who have registered for the full 5 Aspects of the Mother.

$27.50 USD

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Thursday, May 28, 2020
10:00am  Merida Time (Central Time in US and Canada)

An aspect of the Mother bringing us a beautiful message of Love from the Planet Venus.

In ancient times there were many great teachers from other dimensions, other realms, other planets who came to Earth to share their knowledge. Mother MUKUY-KAAK came from Venus to teach Humankind about the restoration of the Heart – the tenderness that is so needed throughout the world today.

Miguel Angel introduced her to you on a recent Maya Energy Update and will now go into the full story and connect you with this beautiful energy of Love.

$27.50 USD

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Climate Change and Mother Earth - October 1

Thursday, October 1, 2020:
10:00am and 8:00pm

As Mother Earth evolves to a higher consciousness she is demonstrating where the true power exists. With the increase of earthquakes, floods, tornados and fires it is clear that the power found in Nature in immense. Our experiment with trying to control and exploit Nature has failed and it is now time to evolve alongside and in harmony with Mother Nature. Whether it is about healing the Planet or healing our bodies the Ancient Maya can teach us much.  They understood the importance of balance in everything they did. 

$55 USD

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Jaguar/Balam: Our Inner Warrior - October 8

Thursday, October 8, 2020
10:00am and 8:00pm

The Maya describe the Jaguar-Balam as the “Warrior of Light” that lives in our heart. It is now time to wake up this spiritual force within and align our inner power with our outer actions. It is time to transform all things that limit us in our self-realization process and act accordingly. With the help of this inner power we can step out on our Path and make the changes needed for the good of Humankind and Mother Earth.  Join Miguel Angel online for an hour of working with your inner Jaguar.

$55 USD

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Balance: Call of The Maya Priestesses - October 15

Thursday, October 15, 2020
10:00am and 8:00pm

“The Sacred Feminine is awake in you.  It is time to bring that part of you out into the light.” Lady Zac Kuuk, Maya Priestess from Palenque. 

Many of you are hearing the call of the Maya Priestesses to be in service to Mother Earth and facilitate the balancing of the Sacred Masculine and Sacred Feminine. In this session Trudy shares messages from Lady Zac Kuuk on awakening the true Sacred Feminine within you and Miguel Angel offers a meditation to balance the Sacred Masculine with the emerging Sacred Feminine energy.

$55 USD

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Power of Ceremony and Meditation - October 22

Thursday, October 22, 2020
10:00am and 8:00pm

In Maya ceremony we become aware of the powerful role we play in balancing the Heart of the Sky with the Heart of the Earth. We are the Heart of Hearts standing between Heaven and Earth and as we accept the energy of the Cosmos and ground it deep in the Heart of the Earth we discover the key to manifesting our true purpose.  Join Miguel Angel as he guides us in understanding the importance of Ceremony and Meditation and staying grounded in order to manifest the life we want.

$55 USD

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