Sep 21 – Dec 21

IX’KIK: Mother of Maya Generations - Jan 13

11:00am CDT (Central Time in US and Canada)

Miguel Angel shares with you the extraordinary story of the Maya Princess Ix’Kik who was the Mother of the Hero Twins in the Popol Vuh story of victory over the darker Underworld forces. “Ix” means Sacred Feminine, and “Kik” means “Seed of Life” or “The Mother of Maya Generations”. It is the story of the Sacred Feminine stepping into her power, being tested, meeting the challenges, and finally being accepted. An important story as the Sacred Feminine rises in our life today. 

$40usd (20% discount for MWC members $32)


Maya Portals to Other Dimensions - Jan 27

11:00am CDT (Central Time in US and Canada)

The Yucatan Peninsula has an extraordinary spiritual legacy with more than 2,000 Ceremonial Centers, plus countless Caves and Cenotes that can take you back to the oldest ages lived by Humanity.  We will share some of the most important knowledge, practices, meditations, and mantras that the Maya used to allow access to these dimensional portals through a spiritual experience. Important information and wisdom that is protected in the 4th and 5th Dimensions and guarded by the Maya Teachers of the Light, will be shared with you. 

$40usd (20% discount for MWC members $32)


Teachings from the Maya Madrid Codex pt 1 - Feb 1

11:00am CDT (Central Time in US and Canada)

The Codecies are the Maya books, the records of their time, their stories. Miguel Angel steps you through the mystery of just one page from the Madrid Codex and how the symbols, glyphs, and drawings give us an understanding of not only ancient times but also how we can apply the lessons to our lives today. 

$40usd (20% discount for MWC members $32)


Teachings from the Maya Madrid Codex pt 2 - Feb 3

11:00am CDT (Central Time in US and Canada)

More teachings from this one page from the Madrid Codex and how the symbols, glyphs, and drawings give us an understanding of not only ancient times but also how we can apply the lessons to our lives today. 

$40usd (20% discount for MWC members $32) 


Healing the Past with the Maya Goddesses - Feb 17

11:00am CDT (Central Time in US and Canada)

As you move into the energy of this new era you want to be free and clear of any blocks from the past that could be holding you back. Whether it is from this past year or past lives, now is a good time to work with the Maya Goddesses IX’AZAL UOH and Grandmother IX’MUKANE, Heart of the Sky, to heal this stuck energy allowing you to move freely onto your new path. Learn how to weave forgiveness, peace, harmony and true healing into your life, into the tapestry of your life. 

$40usd (20% discount for MWC members $32)


Balancing our Emotions to Heal the World - Feb 24

11:00am CDT (Central Time in US and Canada)

The Maya understood we have 7 vibrational levels of energy within us that affect every cell in our body. They are all important. However, the powerful energy of one of them, our emotions, seems to need some serious attention in our world today. As we raise our consciousness we need to bring our emotions into balance to support the healing energy of Love and to diminish the harmful energy of Fear. Join Miguel Angel for this Maya teaching and healing meditation on re-balancing our emotions. 

$40usd (20% discount for MWC members $32)


KuKuulKaan: The Promise of Unconditional Love - Mar 3

11:00am CDT (Central Time in US and Canada)

Each year as Spring approaches, Maya Master KuKuulKaan begins his journey, returning to his pyramid at Chichen Itza to deliver his message of unconditional love at the Spring Equinox. Miguel Angel invites you to join KuKuulKaan on this yearly pilgrimage to heal your heart, accept the unconditional love being offered, and to share it with others. Learn more about this amazing Maya teacher and how his promise of unconditional love can help heal the world. 

$40usd (20% discount for MWC members $32)


Spring Equinox Free Webinar – Mar 15

11:00am CDT Central Time

Join us on this free webinar as Miguel Angel Vergara helps you prepare for the powerful energy of the Spring Equinox.  He will talk about how the Maya Master of Light KuKuulKaan returns to Earth at this time each year bringing unconditional love along with balance and the renewal and abundance of the Spring season. 

No cost but you need to register.  


Maya Spring Equinox Sacred Ceremony – Mar 21

11:00am CDT Central Time

This is a very special time. Join Don Miguel Angel in this online Sacred Ceremony to honor the Spring Equinox with all its gifts of new life, of hope for the future. It is a time to bring all the love and light within our hearts out into the world, to see through the chaos and bring balance back into the world.

Due to the time change in the US and Canada the ceremony will start at 10:00am Mexico City time. US and Canada will still be 9 Pacific, 10 Mountain, 11 Central and 12 Eastern.

By Donation to help us continue bringing the Maya Sacred Wisdom to the world.


Contacting the Forces of the Universe- March 31

11:00am CDT (10:00am in Mexico)

At a time when Planet Earth and Humankind can use all the help and support it can find we need to look beyond our limited resources and reach out to the Universe. The Maya knew how to access the energy of the Universe and in this Maya Wisdom Teaching Miguel Angel will share the practices, mantras and prayers they used to contact these forces. As our consciousness expands, we are able to access more and more of the Universal energies. The Maya can teach us how. 

Cost: $40usd (20% discount for MWC members)


Cleansing your Environment -April 14

11:00am CDT

The Maya knew the importance of cleansing your environment of stuck energy. Both positive and negative energy flow through your house at all times. This is the energy you are living in and when any negative energy gets stuck inside your home it can affect your wellbeing on many levels. The Maya knew how to cleanse a house of this energy and Maya Shamans today still routinely perform cleansings. In this session Miguel Angel will share the Maya practices, mantras, and techniques to keep your home environment positive and supportive of your wellbeing. 

Cost: $40usd (20% discount for MWC members)


Calling your Spiritual Guides - April 28

11:00am CDT

With our expanding consciousness we are becoming more aware of our Spiritual Guides and the need to be in contact with them. Having their guidance when you need to make important decisions, especially in times of crisis, smooths out your path and leads you directly to your purpose in life. Miguel Angel will share the Maya practices of calling your Spiritual Guides giving you the keys to access these important guides whenever they are needed.  

Cost: $40usd (20% discount for MWC members)


How it works?

  • Each session is one hour containing a lecture and a meditation.
  • They are stand-alone teachings and do not need to be taken in any particular order.
  • Videos of past session are also available.
  • The cost per session is $40 USD with a 20% discount for Maya Wisdom Circle members ($32 USD). 
  • If you register and miss a live session a video of it will be sent.