Open your heart and mind to accept the true force of Mother Nature. Here you find unlimited power to heal, create abundance, and fulfill your purpose. This is where miracles happen.

The Maya were connected to the Sun, the Moon, and the Stars, while at the same time staying firmly grounded on Earth, in harmony with nature and all living beings. This allowed them to be guided by the Cosmos and manifest what was needed on Earth. Their legacy is the path to achieving this in our lives today through their prophecies, calendars, sacred sites and Master Teachers.

Miguel Angel guides you through the sites, the Equinoxes and Solstices, and
introduces you to the Maya Masters of Light in this series of teachings. Each month a new MAYA LEGACY session will be offered.

January - Maya prophecies: Understanding the messages

Thursday, January 24
10:00am CST

The Prophecies are messages for the future from the ancient Maya Priests and Priestesses. They are clear messages for the time we are living in now and for the future of Humankind and Mother Earth. In this session Miguel Angel helps us understand how they can assist us in dealing with the changing world we are living in today. When properly understood they can light our Path to balance and harmony, spiritually and personally.

$50 USD

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February - Esoteric tour of Palenque

Thursday, February 28
10:00am CST

The marvelous site of Palenque is situated in the deep jungle of Chiapas. The original Maya name was “NAH-CHAN-KAN” meaning The House of the Stellar Serpent. In this online tour of Palenque Miguel Angel will guide you to the great spiritual significance found in the carvings, pyramids and temples left for us by the two Maya Master of the Light, Pakal Votan and Lady Zac Kuuk. Together they illuminated the Sacred Path for those ready to Ascend.

$50 USD

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March - Kukuulkaan & the Spring Equinox

Thursday, March 14
10:00am CST

The descent of the cosmic energy of KuKuulKaan, “the Serpent with Golden Feathers”, occurs twice a year, at the Spring Equinox and again at the Fall Equinox. At these times KuKuulKaan brings us the Kundalini energy to awaken our consciousness and raise our vibration. It is a very powerful time and in this session Miguel Angel will connect you with KuKuulKaan and help you prepare to receive this gift of energy from the ancient Maya on March 21st .

$50 USD

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April - Messages from the stars

Thursday, April 25
10:00am CDT

Each star, planet, sun, constellation, and comet were important to the ancient Maya astronomers who could read messages in the movement of the cosmos. Awakening to this cosmic energy is the great challenge in becoming a self-realized human being, one who can feel and see the importance of unveiling the messages from the Sky in his life.

$50 USD

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May - Esoteric tour of Yaxchilan

Thursday, May 30
10:00am CDT

Situated on the Usamacinta River Yaxchilan can only be reached by boat. This beautiful, remote site holds many Maya treasures. Once ruled by Bird Jaguar, home to Priestess Lady Xoc and the Priestess Prophets who traveled to the Stars, Yaxchilan is well worth visiting. Join Miguel Angel on this esoteric journey to unlock the mysteries of Yaxchilan.

$50 USD

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June - Summer Solstice

Thursday, June 20
10:00am CDT

The Pyramid of KuKuulKaan at Chichen Itza is perfectly situated to observe and receive the cosmic solar energy on June 21 st , the Summer Solstice. As the Sun lights up the Northern Hemisphere of the Planet it is helping us to awaken to a higher consciousness. Join Miguel Angel in this online session as he connects you to the energy of Chichen Itza at the Solstice where your chakras are energized by the Light that opens our Consciousness to the Universe and Mother Earth.

$50 USD

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July - Maya New Year: The Zenith

Friday, July 12
10:00am CDT

At the moment of the Sun’s Zenith when the sun is directly over us at noon there is no shadow. It is the time when the Maya Masters of Light talk about “total illumination”. At this moment the Maya Teachers received from the Heart of the Sky “The Drop of Honey Light”, an amazing beam of light descending straight over the land of the Maya to manifest plenty. This light is activating the entire planet and open to all beings at noon on July 16 in the Yucatan.

$50 USD

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August - Living seeds of wisdom: Oral traditions

Thursday, August 29
10:00am CDT

The extraordinary wisdom and knowledge of the Maya has been transmitted by generations through oral traditions. The ancestors, located in the figure of an Elder Father/Mother, told their stories of the Universe, the creation of the Stars, the marvelous harmony in our Solar System, the Generation of life on our Planet Earth, the creation of human beings, animals, trees, seas, rivers, caves, mountains and the spirits of Mother Nature. Many were written in their books like the Popol Vuh or the Chilam Balam of Chumayel, truly pearls of wisdom where you can still feel and see the expressions of a civilization embodied in the value of the words through oral traditions.

$50 USD

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September - Halach Uinik training: Transmutation

Thursday, September 19
10:00am CDT

In the Maya times a Halach Uinik was a person who was in balance and fulfilling their purpose. One step to becoming a Halach Uinik today is Transmutation. This is changing one energy into another, changing one thought into another and changing an outdated belief into one that serves you now. It is the Grand Alchemy, known by the Maya with the name: “Piz’Om – Kaak’Al” which means, “The Inner Fire That Transforms Your Being”. Miguel Angel calls on the Maya Masters of Light to assist you in achieving this profound level of transmutation, clearing the way for lasting positive change in your life. Join him for this one-hour introduction to the Halach Uinik Training: Transmutation.

$50 USD

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November - Halach Uinik training: Transformation

Thursday, November 14
10:00am CDT

In the Maya times a Halach Uinik was a person who was in balance and fulfilling their purpose. One step to becoming a Halach Uinik today is Transformation. This is the psychological/spiritual work in which you decide to transform the ego, freeing yourself of old habits and harmful situations. This is achieved with the help of Mother Ix’Cheel and Grandmother Ix’Mukane. Ix’Mukane will work with you to purify and solidify your core values and beliefs. Ix’Cheel then acts as a mid-wife to help bring who you really are into the world to share your gifts with humankind.

Join Miguel Angel for this one-hour introduction to the Halach Uinik Training: Transformation.

$50 USD

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November - Halach Uinik training: Realization

Thursday, November 21
10:00am CST

In the Maya times a Halach Uinik was a person who was in balance and fulfilling their purpose. One step to becoming a Halach Uinik today is Realization. This is applying your wisdom, knowledge, faith, consciousness, and unconditional love to support all humanity and all living beings on this planet. It is achieving success in both your material and spiritual life, fulfilling your purpose, always looking for the wellness, harmony, peace, healing, understanding, balance, and love in all things. With the help of the Maya Masters of Light you will learn to align your core beliefs with clear intention and right action to achieve your potential, your purpose, in all aspects of your life.

Join Miguel Angel for this one-hour introduction to the Halach Uinik Training: Realization.

$50 USD

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December - Winter Solstice

Friday, December 20
10:00am CST

At the moment of the sunset on December 21 there is a marvelous cosmic phenomena at the KuKuulKaan Pyramid at Chichen Itza where the Sun is giving us a powerful message: This is the day when the Sun is far away in the Northern Hemisphere and the Maya said: “The Sun shrinks (symbolically) his Spirit and looks like a small child, recently born.”

It is the time to meditate within your Heart to see the light that you are and how this light inside your Heart is hoping to slowly grow until becoming strong Solar Energy to energize all creation in the time of the Spring Equinox.

$50 USD