“It is through ceremony that you recover those feelings, emotions, faith that are not written in any book, not spoken by anyone. The moment when you feel again the sound of the shell, the copal blessing you, the symbols of the four cardinal points and the connection with the forces from the Source, from the Creator, is when you change your life.” Miguel Angel Vergara

All ceremonies start out with acknowledgment and thanks to all the elementals in the four Cardinal directions…East, West, North, South plus Center. This practice goes to the heart of the Maya Source of the Creation story….Before the universe was created there was the seed of potential, static with no movement. Then ¨He whose name is whispered in a breath ¨ created the vibration of life found throughout the universe today. The Maya say that everything has this spirit….the mountains, stones, earth, trees, animals, crystals, seeds, mosquitoes, humans…everything naturally existing.

The Maya use ceremonies to bring back memories of the direct connection to the creator.  Reconnecting directly back to the source opens the path to receive the wisdom of the universe.  With Maya Ceremony you expand your consciousness and become one with all that is. This is the ultimate intention of ceremony.

“There is a channel always open to the Father and Mother who love you unconditionally. Ceremony is an opportunity to ask for what you want and to give thanks for what you have received.”  Miguel Angel Vergara

 “The Maya-Cosmovision, contains the Essence of Our Maya Culture, which has No-Time and Space”

 From POPOl-VUH, Maya Sacred Book.
We will explain how Our First-Parents, the Four Balams, descended to Our-Planet from the Pleiades-Constellation, called “TZAB-KAN” that means in Maya language: “Rattle-Snake”.
They taught the Maya their Sacred-Names related to the Maya-Calendar and the Cardinal-Points.
-BALAM-KITZE, represents the EAST with the Sacred Fire Element.
-BALAM-AKAB, represents the WEST with the Spirit of the Wind Element.
-MAHAKUTAH, represents the NORTH with the Energy of Mother -Earth Element.
-IKI-BALAM, represents the SOUTH with the Water Element, the Source of Life.

We turn to the EAST where the Ceremony starts with explanations of the Sacred-Salutations, Mantras, Elements, meaning of the Color, Totem-Spirit and the Names of the Care-Takers of the East.

We turn to the WEST with explanations of the Sacred-Salutations, Mantras, Elements, meaning of the Color, Totem-Spirit and the Names of the Care-Takers of the West.

We turn to the NORTH with explanations of the Sacred-Salutations, Mantras, Elements, meaning of the Color, Totem-Spirit and the Names of the Care-Takers of the North.

We turn to the SOUTH with the explanations about the Sacred-Salutations, Mantras, Elements, meaning of the Color, Totem-Spirit and the Names of the Care-Takers of the South.

The Sacred Cardinal Point of the CENTER, called HEART OF SKY AND HEART OF THE EARTH. With Sacred Prayers and Mantras and explanations of the Sacredness of the Heart of the Sky, called  HUNAB-KU, as the force that connects with the Heart of the Earth, called IXCHEEL-IXMUKANE. 

Miguel Angel will lead you in a practical- realization of the complete process of the Maya Ceremony with all participants.


  • 7 one-hour teaching total $195usd (20% discount for MWC members $156)