Unlocking Potential &

Manifesting Unlimited Possibilities


The seeds, filled with potential, have been planted.
Now is the time to bring them from the Earth into the light of the Sun.
Now is the time to Manifest!

KuKuulKaan, Maya Master Teacher, will return during the Spring Equinox with 7 powerful gifts for you and all Humankind. He does this every year and now, as you awaken to how powerful a being you truly are, this year promises to be extra special. Extreme chaos worldwide has challenged you to go within and discover your inner strengths, to glimpse the powerful potential you carry within. This year, on March 21, KuKuulKaan will descend the pyramid at Chichen Itza offering 7 keys to unlock this potential within, allowing unlimited possibilities, new solutions, insightful answers to be manifested. 

Join us for this virtual workshop to welcome this year’s Spring Equinox, and learn how to tap into the vast potential within to manifest what you want in your life now. Whether you are seeking personal healing, financial prosperity, or restoring balance in your relationships, the possibilities for solutions are endless. As you manifest the best for yourself, all of Humankind benefits.


Miguel Angel Vergara

Miguel Angel’s Maya teacher once told him “If you want to arise your personal frequency you must go to Palenque”. Through ceremonies, meditations and teachings Miguel Angel will guide you to your own experiences of powerful spiritual energy in these amazing sites.

Lady Zac Kuuk was a Maya High Priestess in Palenque and although she is generally remembered as being the mother of Pakal Votan, I know her as the Maya High Priestess who initiated a powerful Sacred Feminine Renaissance in the city of Palenque in the 7th century. She has returned as a spirit guide to help us find our way back to the true Sacred Feminine and has been coming to me in meditation for a number of years.”

Trudy Woodcock

During the Spring Equinox on March 21, the setting Sun illuminates 7 triangles of Light on the northern balustrade of the pyramid at Chichen Itza. Together they represent KuKuulKaan, The Serpent of Light, as he descends from the Heart of the Sky to the Heart of the Earth. He comes bearing gifts of new consciousness, new energy and unconditional Love to support us through the upcoming season.  

During the Workshop, Don Miguel Angel will lead us down the pyramid, one triangle at a time, to help us find Our keys to manifesting what is needed in Our lives right now.

Triangle One:

Uniting with Father, Mother, Son to awaken the Spark of Light within. 
Accepting the Power of the Sun to enter your Heart.

Triangle Two:

Discovering the unconditional love in yourself and in Mother Nature, Mother IX’CHEEL. 
Honoring the Mother.

Triangle Three:

The positive creation with the Light. Heart of the Sky, Heart of the Earth, your Heart. 
Recognizing your creative powers.

Triangle Four:

Your Spiritual Foundation. A strong base from which to move forward. The Cross in motion. 
Finding stability.

Triangle Five:

How do you plan to use the Sacred Teachings you have learned? Putting your knowledge into daily practice.
Committing to your Path.

Triangle Six:

Connecting with the Cosmic Forces to maintain your Sacred Path. Seeing beyond the chaos. 
Withstanding Temptation.

Triangle Seven:

The Harmony and Victory of your High Self. 
Receiving Enlightenment from the Sun.

The Spring Equinox is one of the most important times in the Maya Calendar. Join us online for the teachings, meditations, discussions, and more to take full advantage of the energy of the Spring Equinox.

To receive the special price join the Mayan Wisdom Circle at Register Maya Wisdom Circle – Casa Kin

7 one-hour teachings total  $160usd (20% discount for MWC members $128)