September 21 to December 21

Sacred Initiations of the Maya - Oct 7

11:00am CDT (Central Time in US and Canada)

Initiations were gateways to different levels of consciousness and very much an important part of life for the ancient Maya. Join Miguel Angel in this one-hour class on the meaning and importance of these initiations and how initiations still play a part in our lives today.

$40usd (20% discount for MWC members $32)


Art of the Inner Transformation (part 1) - Oct 12

11:00am CDT (Central Time in US and Canada)

Grandmother IX’MUKANE Heart of the Earth holds the key to our deep inner transformation, the key to true change in our life. We are talking about the inner transformation that leads to outer balance and harmony.  In this first session, for the first time, Miguel Angel shares six of her teachings on the Art of Inner Transformation.

$40usd (20% discount for MWC members $32)


Art of the Inner Transformation (part 2) - Oct 19

11:00am CDT (Central Time in US and Canada)

Grandmother IX’MUKANE teaches Inner Transformation as an art because it comes her heart, the Heart of the Earth, directly to your heart. It comes with passion, purpose and love. In this session Miguel Angel shares the final six teachings from IX’MUKANE on the Art of Transformation.

$40usd (20% discount for MWC members $32)


Hanal Pixan : Maya “Day of the Dead” - Oct 28

11:00am CDT (Central Time in US and Canada)

 The Maya People from Ancient Times have respected and honored the “DAY OF THE DEAD” because they believed in the Immortality of the SOUL-SPIRIT and that the Spirit could return every year in the dates scheduled for the celebration they called “HANAL PIXAN”. In Maya “HANAL” means Food and “PIXAN” means Soul-Spirit so it can be translated as “Food for the Soul”. Miguel Angel will talk about what the “Food” really means and the different types of Altars and will also share the special Prayers, Maya Mantras and Meditations to help connect with the pure Spirits who return during this special time.


Initiation With Earth - Nov 16

11:00am CDT (Central Time in US and Canada)

Balance & Stability

The Maya -Teachers, indicated to us that this initiation related with the Element EARTH comes to our lives when we are tested in our BALANCE and STABILITY. This balance and stability is required in order for us to have a Life and to live that Life in harmony with our family, our work or job, our personal relationships, and also with our thoughts and emotions that keep us well balanced in our personal process.


Initiation With Water - Nov 18

11:00am CDT (Central Time in US and Canada)

Acceptance & Adaptation

When we live in society as a human-being, we are tested with the Element WATER in relation with the power of ACCEPTANCE and ADAPTATION. The Initiation with WATER is important to us as we attempt to navigate the different circumstances that surface throughout our lifetime.

Water is the most precious liquid we have for Life and we all should learn from it how to be moldable, flexible, without resisting the different movements around us.

$40usd (20% discount for MWC members $32)


Initiation With Air - Nov 23

11:00am CDT (Central Time in US and Canada)


The test in the Initiation with the Element AIR is basically in relation to the fact that in our Life as Human-beings we are so ATTACHED to PHYSICAL and MATERIAL GOODS, feeling and thinking that they are indispensable requirements to achieve complete happiness. So, we must remember that we should move freely like the AIR that goes from one place to another without parking anywhere, flowing without attachments to anything.

$40usd (20% discount for MWC members $32)


Initiation With Fire - Nov 25

11:00am CDT (Central Time in US and Canada)

Peace & Harmony

Fire is the Element that Purifies Our Body, Soul and Spirit. The Initiatory Test of the Element Fire brings us closer to the knowledge of understanding how to resolve issues when the  circumstances in our Life become unfavorable. We have to enter a waiting-stage that allows us to overcome this adversity in our Life with deep PEACE and HARMONY within.

$40usd (20% discount for MWC members $32)


Preparing For The Winter Solstice- Dec 16

11:00am CDT Central Time

Join us for a free webinar as Miguel Angel Vergara helps us prepare for what is a very special Winter Solstice. This Solstice marks the precious journey out of the dark and back into the light. This has been a challenging year for many of us and in this teaching Miguel Angel will prepare us to break through the darkness into the light, to regain our hope for the future.

Cost: Free but you do need to register.


Maya Winter Solstice Ceremony- Dec 21

11:00am CDT Central Time

Join us online as Miguel Angel Vergara leads us in a Maya Ceremony for the Winter Solstice. It has been a challenging year on many levels and our Ceremony will be one of celebrating the end of the darkness and the promise of new energy to guide us through to the Spring Equinox.

Cost: By Donation.

Donation options:  $15, $25, $50, $100 USD.


How it works?

  • Each session is one hour containing a lecture and a meditation.
  • They are stand-alone teachings and do not need to be taken in any particular order.
  • Videos of past session are also available.
  • The cost per session is $40 USD with a 20% discount for Maya Wisdom Circle members ($32 USD). 
  • If you register and miss a live session a video of it will be sent.