With their series of calendars the Maya were able to bring a natural order to their worldview. By honoring and working with the energies of the Earth, the Moon, the Sun, and the Stars, they freed themselves of the chaos that seems to be so much a part of our lives today. It gave them time to focus on their great achievements in art, science, philosophy, astronomy, architecture, and more. It allowed them to live in peace and harmony. 

You can see from their Calendars how much the Maya knew about the workings of the Universe. By linking the Mayan Sacred Sun and Moon Calendars they bring us closer to balancing the Sacred Masculine and Sacred Feminine. 

Using the original sources left to us by the ancient Maya, the teachings and oral traditions from the Maya Elders, and his personal experiences working with the Maya energy, Miguel Angel gives us the foundation needed to understand and work with the Mayan Calendars. He starts with their creation stories, where time began, and leads us through the organization of the 19 glyphs of the Haab and the 20 glyphs of the Tzolkin, the Sacred New Fire, and the Long Account Calendars to give us a deep and rich realization of the powerful tool that is the Mayan Calendar. 


How the Maya-Calendar is linked to the structure of the Cosmos. 

– The Milky-Way.

– The Sun Sirius, Orion and the Pleiades Constellation.

– The Sun, the Moon and the Planets in Our Solar-System.

Miguel Angel will also share quotes from the Maya Sacred Books: the Popol-Vuh and the Chilam-Balam of Chumayel confirming how the Maya linked their Calendar with the Cosmos. 

The “HAAB” Sun-Calendar of 365 days. (PART 1). 

Explanations about the Sacred meaning of the 19 Months and how the Maya used them in their Calendar.

The “HAAB” Sun-Calendar of 365 days.  (PART 2).

Delving further into the Sacred meaning of the 19 Months.

The “TZOLKIN” Moon-Calendar of 260 Days.   (PART 1).

Explanations about the use and Sacred meaning of the 20 Days of this Calendar. 

The “TZOLKIN” Moon-Calendar of 260 Days.   (PART 2).

Delving further into the Sacred meaning of the 20 Days of this Calendar. 

The Maya- Calendar, called “THE SACRED NEW-FIRE” which consists of a cycle of 52 years and is associated with the PLEIADES CONSTELLATION, the SUN and the MOON.

The Maya “LONG ACCOUNT-CALENDAR” associated with the cycles of the BAKTUN-13 and the Big-Changes in the Evolution of the Humankind.


  • Price: 7 one-hour teachings total $195usd (20% discount for MWC members $156usd)