The Maya shared healing practices from ancient times that we can use in healing ourselves and our planet today.  As we raise our consciousness, we need to learn how to weave forgiveness, peace, harmony and true healing into our life, into the tapestry of our life. 


Cleansing your Environment

The Maya knew the importance of cleansing your environment of stuck energy. Both positive and negative energy flow through your house at all times. This is the energy you are living in and when any negative energy gets stuck inside your home it can affect your wellbeing on many levels. The Maya knew how to cleanse a house of this energy and Maya Shamans today still routinely perform cleansings. In this session Miguel Angel will share the Maya practices, mantras, and techniques to keep your home environment positive and supportive of your wellbeing.

Cost: $30usd (20% discount for MWC members)



Harnessing the Power of our Emotions

The power of Life comes when you harness your emotions as a new perception in order to live them in awareness. In the Maya Culture EMOTIONS are called “KIMAK-OL” referring to the part of life that is perceived as IMPRESIONS that make us feel the experiences of our Life. One of the KEYS in the Order of Transformation of the Emotions is BALANCE and HARMONY. Join Miguel Angel as he explains this deep process in this online lecture.

Cost $30usd (20% discount for MWC members $24)


The Light that Heals You

The Maya recognized the Summer Solstice as the time to connect with the Light for a special healing.  The Maya Teachers said you are a” Shining – Luminous Being” sharing the frequency of the Sun around the World to heal your body, focusing in the areas of your Head, Throat, Heart and Solar Plexus.

In this Special Summer-Solstice teaching, we will guide you to receive the maximum frequencies of the Solar-Energy in both your Spiritual and Physical Bodies. The Maya Sacred Mantras will help raise your Spiritual frequencies, so that your atoms, cells and organs reach the vibration to receive the highest frequency of the Light Solar-Energy.

As you change the level of your actual vibration to a higher one, you will perceive the Inner Dimensions where the Maya Teachers of Light reside.

The Sacred Energy of the SUN-KIN, is waiting for you to participate in this Summer Solstice Special Meditation.


Cost: $30usd (20% discount for MWC members)


Balancing our Emotions to Heal the World

The Maya understood we have 7 vibrational levels of energy within us that affect every cell in our body. They are all important. However, the powerful energy of one of them, our emotions, seems to need some serious attention in our world today. As we raise our consciousness, we need to bring our emotions into balance to support the healing energy of Love and to diminish the harmful energy of Fear. Join Miguel Angel for this Maya teaching and healing meditation on re-balancing our emotions.

Cost: $30usd (20% discount for MWC members $24)


Healing the Past with the Maya Goddesses

As you move into the energy of this new era you want to be free and clear of any blocks from the past that could be holding you back. Whether it is from this past year or past lives, now is a good time to work with the Maya Goddesses IX’AZAL UOH and Grandmother IX’MUKANE, Heart of the Sky, to heal this stuck energy allowing you to move freely onto your new path. Learn how to weave forgiveness, peace, harmony and true healing into your life, into the tapestry of your life.

Cost: $30usd (20% discount for MWC members $24)


Healing the Body, Healing the Planet

We are witnessing the evolution of our Planet. Now this is happening, not next week, next month. Now. And now is the time to heal ourselves and join our Mother in this great expansion of consciousness as together we evolve to a higher level of being. This is a level that leads to harmony and where we can find true happiness.

There are many Cosmic Laws that regulate not only what is happening in the universe but at the same time influencing what is happening in our bodies. We are going to talk about these Cosmic Laws and how we can use that energy to heal ourselves while also assisting our Mother Earth in her evolution. As we face more and more challenges from our environment, our government, and our personal relationships it is very important to deeply understand the way Mother Earth is regulating her evolution, her healing, and learn how to apply that knowledge to healing ourselves.

We are so closely linked with Mother Earth. We have the earth in our bones, the water in our blood, and all the elements from the Planet expressed in our body. We are going to explore these very powerful energies and how to use them now.

The prophecies say this is a time of awakening, a time to return to natural ways. Join us to find out how to heal, stay centered, and trust in your path to harmony, happiness and Oneness with all living beings.

5 one-hour teachings total $160usd (20% discount for MWC members $128)


The Healing Art of Working with Plants

Many indigenous people know how to heal the body naturally with plants and herbs found in their environment. In the Maya world this is called Yutzil Dzak, good medicine. All plants; trees, bushes, herbs, flowers, fruits, etc. have a healing spirit within them. It is a gift from IX’CHEEL, Mother Nature, and one that is much needed in the world today. To understand and apply this knowledge is the key to natural healing.

As we face more and more challenges and stress in the world around us it becomes even more important that we remain strong and healthy. Whether it is headaches, stomach problems, depression, fatigue, or a general “not feeling well”, if it is affecting the quality of your life, then it is time to look at your healing options. Healing with plants and herbs is a natural and gentle way to assist your body as it attempts to work its way back into balance. Learn how the Maya shamans and Medicine Men work with the elementals of the plant to assist the healing.

In this online workshop there will be lectures, meditations, and demonstrations of healing with plants.  Miguel Angel will also give you important practical examples of healing that you can do with plants in your environment. Plants can be a profound path to ways of healing yourself, others, or even your community and beyond.

Regular price 3 one-hour teachings $90.00usd, 20% discount for Maya Wisdom Circle members: $72.00usd


Harmonizing Your Spiritual Frequencies

The Maya recognized the importance of harmonizing the spiritual frequencies in seven different levels of energy in your body in order to bring balance and order back into your life. Join Miguel Angel for this teaching and meditation on balance, harmony and order.

$30usd (20% discount for MWC members $24)


Manifesting Balance and Harmony

The Ancient Maya were keenly aware of the world they lived in, from the land they walked on to the stars above them. They understood everything was connected and knew how to live in balance and harmony. Join Miguel Angel for this teaching and meditation to learn how you can manifest balance and harmony in your life now.

$30usd (20% discount for MWC members $24)


Transforming Your Fear

In the chaos around us there is often an underlying layer of fear that is keeping us from being the best we can be, keeping us from our purpose and the life we are meant to live. It can be subtle or at times very strong, even paralyzing. Using Maya Sacred Sound Practices, Miguel Angel will help you transform your fear into an energy that promotes your wellbeing.

$30usd (20% discount for MWC members $24)


Breaking through Depression

Depression, even a low-level depression, can seriously affect the quality of your life. With all the negativity around you it is easy to lose the joy, the Light, in your world. Using Maya Sacred Sound Practices, Miguel Angel will help you identify and then break through depression. These practices can be used to release the harmful effects of the negative energy you encounter daily and bring more Light into your life.

$30usd (20% discount for MWC members $24)


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